Attach Files to Emails sent FROM QuickBase.

QB Triggers QB Triggers is a premium utility that we've developed to allow you to attach files to email notifcations. This is just one example of what a QB Trigger can be designed to do.

Try it yourself. 

TO DEMO:  Edit the record below...enter your email address, select a file to receive in an email and click save. You should receive an email in under 30 seconds.

Click here to view the email will fire when a record is modified which will cause a "QB Trigger" to execute that sends the email with the file attached.

BUT...That's not all you can do with QB Triggers...Put your QuickBase Email Notifcations to work, turn them into "QB Triggers".

What is a QB Trigger? code that is automatically executed in response to specific events that occur on a particular table.
So a QB Trigger can be fired when a record is Added, Modified or Deleted. The QB Trigger can be designed to perform one or many actions against your QuickBase when fired.

This Demo is a QB Trigger. When a record is modified, the QB Trigger is designed to read the edited record, download the file attachment and email it to the email address stored in the "Email" field on the edited record.

We take advantage of the QuickBase Email Notification functionality to fire the "QB Triggers".

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File Name
Other File Eye Wash Drain.jpg Eye Wash Drain.jpg  
Report Name *
Reports and Charts Panel
Each table has a panel listing its reports and charts, organized in groups.
Please wait while your new report is saved...
Field label
Column heading override
What does auto mean?
Fields in:

Fields to Extract:

Name for the new table:
Items in the new table are called:

When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

Read more about converting a column into a table.

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