PO Date: |
~PO Date~ |
PO #: |
~PO Number~ |
Created: |
~116~ |
Vendor: |
Ship To: |
~Vendor Name~ |
~Client Name~ |
~Vendor Address~ |
~Client Address~ |
~Vendor City~, ~Vendor State~ ~Vendor Zip~ |
~Client City~, ~Client State~ ~Client Zip~ |
Shipping Method |
Delivery Date |
~Shipping Method~ |
~Delivery Date~ |
~75~ |
Client |
Project |
~Client Name~ |
~Project Name~ |
~=qdb.GetURL("bdht34xg7", "API_GenResultsTable^query={'6'.EX.'"+ field["Record ID#"]+"'}^clist=^options=nvw.ned.phd.nfg.sortorder-A.groupby-V^slist=17");~
Subtotal |
~Subtotal~ |
Taxable Subtotal |
~Taxable subtotal~ |
Sales Tax |
~Sales Tax~ |
Total |
~Total~ |
1. Enter this order in accordance with the prices, terms, delivery method and specification listed above. 2. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. 3.Send all correspondence to Juiced Technologies, Inc. at the address below. |
~Terms~ |
Authorized By Date |
Juiced Technologies, Inc. · 3505 Veterans Hwy, Suite O · Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 · Ph 631.617.5060 · Fax 631.617.5062